Cannabis Marketing Consultant

Cannabis Marketing | Consultant Jamie Campbell

The cannabis industry is moving at light speed and the inevitable turbulence can result in hastily made decisions and create unforeseen and unnecessary challenges.  As more and more opportunities arise in the growing space, mitigating mistakes is imperative to building a sustainable brand for 2020 and beyond.

cannabis marketing consultant

As some East Coast medical markets (we're watching you, Delaware :) hit their stride, looming Federal legalization and the growing pains of adult-use Massachusetts is on everyone's mind.  True interstate trade may not be allowed for years if ever, but the shifting momentum moves markets in bigger ways and the crowded eastern seaboard is poised to change the face of cannabis commerce as they struggle to put suitable regulatory frameworks in place.  Massachusetts has set the bar so high in terms of environental impacts, social justice initiatives and stringent testing requirements and they are certainly the state to watch as they roll out their recreational program explosively in 2019.  

cannabis marketing consultant

Oh, Canada!  Their 10 provinces and 3 territories have strange simlarities to some United States medical programs and their rollout since October 17th has been fraught with scandal, stock fraud and supply issues.  Licensed Producers have serious regulatory hurdles and government oversight to sort out, but the market is off and running and it will be another model for the US on a grand scale.   With about as many people as California, it will be interesting to see whose legal markets will be the most robust.

consultant cannabis industry

Are you exploring the way current and future strategies correlate with your current and future modeling?  Are you positioning yourself to be 

acquired?  How do your long-term strategies incorporate open borders and/or Federal medical and adult-use recreational legalization?

marketing consultant for cannabis companies

For more information about greenco's cannabis marketing services, set up a short phone consultation now

Whether your cannabis brand has tenure, entering at the tumultuous onset period of the “green rush” and now dialing in margins, taking steps towards controlled expansion or in the process of migrating from the medical to the adult-use recreational market.  

Even in the early stages of startup, any business directly or indirectly involved in the legal cannabis market can benefit from industry wide standards and success stories. 

Where will your business stand in five years with the advent of full Federal legalization? Interstate commerce? Neither? Supply and demand are still in flux and Big Cannabis has yet to officially rear it's ugly head, but thoughtful business practices will always have a place in the evolution of the new cannabis economy.

cannabis marketing consultant

greenco cannabis consulting capabilities vary significantly from state to state and may be limited in scope by state and municipal laws, licensing authority and familiarity with local industry regulations

All businesses do not function the same, even in similar industries and locations, though all can benefit from well-documented standard operation procedures of the most practically detailed nature and in accordance with industry best practices. Nowhere does this become more critical than when compliance it is of top concern, whether it be from a regulatory, safety, quality control, profitability or ethical standpoint. A properly optimized business workflow will incorporate all of these benchmarks from design to implementation to analysis and revision.  

Using data-driven methodologies and short-path process improvement principles, any operation can benefit from the identification, mitigation and eradication of pain points. The bottom line is a smoother, healthier and more adaptable workflow streamlined to your specifications. Whether you are Tier 2 Mixed Use cultivator, an urban dispensary in an oversaturated micromarket or a non-profit community cannabis alliance trying to coordinate lobbying efforts, you are not alone with your challenges and you are not without solutions.

For more information about greenco's cannabis marketing services, set up a short phone consultation now
cannabis consultant
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